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How To Choose the Right HVAC Contractor: 9 Necessary Tips and Tricks


Published July 22, 2024 by Tony Spezza   Waking up in the middle of the night to chills or sweats is never fun, especially since you just spent all that money installing, repairing, or maintaining your energy-efficient HVAC unit. So what gives? While the efficiency of your HVAC unit is integral to the comfort of […]

HVAC Options for Old Houses: How To Retrofit Your HVAC System While Preserving the History of Your Home


Published February 26, 2024 by Tony Spezza   You love everything about your historic home — well, almost everything.  From its classical profile to its intricate interior woodwork, your old home moves your heart, if only it could move the indoor air around just as well.  The love you have for your home is fair […]

Annual HVAC Maintenance: A Timeline and Checklist for Every Season


Published February 7, 2024 by Tony Spezza   Maybe you’ve noticed your energy bill is climbing and climbing with each passing year. Maybe you’re constantly adjusting your thermostat more than you normally should. Or your allergies begin to act up in the fall and spring a lot more than they have in the past.  Is […]

Does a Heat Pump Cool as Well as an Air Conditioner?


Don’t let the term “heat pump” fool you – both air conditioning units and heat pumps can effectively cool down your commercial building. However, there are a few significant differences between the two options. Are you looking to upgrade or replace your air conditioning system? Depending on your overall needs, it might make sense to […]

5 Common Misconceptions About Commercial Heat Pumps


Commercial heat pumps have been getting a lot of attention lately because of their energy efficiency. Despite the public interest, there are still misconceptions about these HVAC systems’ inner workings. Do you have questions about how heat pumps can benefit your temperature control needs? Let our commercial heating and air conditioning team in Beaverton help […]

Why is My Furnace Blowing Cold Air?


Baby, it’s cold outside and the situation indoors isn’t much better. It isn’t normal to feel cold air from a furnace. When you do, the cause may be a simple fix or an issue that requires expert help. Before you call an HVAC expert and ask, “Why is the air from my furnace cold?” try […]

How to Troubleshoot Your HVAC System


You’re relaxing at home when you notice something doesn’t seem quite right. Perhaps you don’t feel as comfortable or the hum from your HVAC system stopped. While heating and cooling equipment is reliable with regular maintenance, malfunctions happen. HVAC troubleshooting may help you find the source of your problems. Depending on the situation, you might […]

5 Tips Every First-Time Homeowner Needs to Know About Heating & Cooling Their Homes


Congratulations on purchasing your first home! Being a new homeowner is an exciting venture that involves learning about the quirks around your property. Between unpacking, housewarming parties and exploring your neighborhood, it can be simple to overlook one of your home’s most important features—the HVAC system. Even though it seemed to run well when you […]

New Homeowner HVAC Tips & Tricks


You bought a home! Congratulations! Whether this is your first time purchasing a home or fifth, it’s important to be familiar with the systems that control its comfort levels before for they need a major repair. Doing so allows you to perform the preventive maintenance the HVAC system needs, recognize sign of trouble and avoid […]

Heat Pump Maintenance 101: What’s Included in My Service?


If you believe in Murphy’s Law, an ignored heat pump will fail during the worst time of year, in the dead of winter. With the upcoming holidays, this is the last thing you want, especially since the winter is one of the busiest times of year for HVAC technicians. The best solution is preventive HVAC […]