Can Your HVAC Take the Heat? Prep Yours For Summer [Infographic]

Summers are becoming warmer in Portland, Oregon, don’t let your air conditioning unit fall victim to the heat! Our latest infographic shares step-by-step instructions to follow when preparing your HVAC unit to run efficiently all summer long. If you follow the 9 steps below and your system still isn’t running at peak performance, call the […]
Why Isn’t My Air Conditioning Unit Working? [Infographic]

Summer is finally heating up here in Portland and most of you might be asking “why isn’t my air conditioning unit working?”. If you find yourself asking this question, you are not alone! Our latest infographic details the different reasons preventing an AC unit from functioning. Be sure to read the list of possible causes and […]
The Why, When & How of Air Conditioner Maintenance [Infographic]

Could it be time to replace your air conditioning unit before we meet the full fledged heat of summer? Out latest infographic breaks down the why, when and how of air conditioner maintenance so you can make the best decision for your home or office A/C needs. You can save energy and money by replacing your […]