Can Air Conditioning Remove Humidity from Your Home?
Excessive humidity levels in your home can make your living conditions uncomfortable. Humidity can also cause damage to walls and flooring, encourage mold and mildew growth, and reduce your overall indoor air quality. If you are living with home humidity, you might be wondering, will your AC unit remove it? Want to know what HVAC […]
What are the Benefits to Installing a Furnace Humidifier
Ever think about your home’s humidity level? Many don’t, but there are some good reasons to take it into consideration, such as your family’s health and cost savings. We are all familiar with the Pacific Northwest’s rainy season (okay, rainy seasons); however, there’s more to humidity than damp or muggy weather. When people think of […]
How to Naturally Reduce Humidity in Your Home

The Pacific Northwest is rainy. It’s no secret. With the drizzle comes humidity, even during the cooler winter months. When relative humidity levels reach 50 percent or higher, your home is at risk for pest infestations, corrosion, rot, water stains and harmful mold growth that reduces indoor air quality. Complementing your HVAC system with simple […]
How Your Furnace Humidifier Actually Works (and Why You Should Have One)

During the cold, wet months of the year, installing a furnace humidifier in your home might seem unnecessary. When you heat your home with a furnace, it distributes warm dry air, which can lead to dry lips, chapped skin, scratchy throats and other uncomfortable symptoms. By knowing how a furnace humidifier works and its benefits, […]