What Are The Most Common Air Conditioning Problems?
Here are the five most common air conditioning problems that homeowners experience during the summer months. Our cooling philosophy involves air quality, humidity, and temperature. When your air conditioning unit doesn’t seem to work optimally, don’t reach for the phone to call your local HVAC contractor just yet. Behind most malfunctions, there are simple solutions […]
Why Isn’t My House Cooling Down?

Feeling too warm in a home that has the air conditioner running is uncomfortable and frustrating. It can seem even more annoying if the A/C unit is newer or recently repaired. When temperatures in your home rise, the air conditioner might not be at fault. Troubleshooting can seem overwhelming but with our simple tips, we […]
March Spring Cleaning – Don’t Forget Your HVAC System!
As you start storing away your winter wardrobe and preparing your home for the upcoming warm weather, it is also a good time to maintain your HVAC system to ensure optimum efficiency during the summer. Professionals recommend cleaning and maintaining your system now because it allows you to catch small problems that could compromise your […]
Winter is Coming – Is Your Furnace Ready? [Infographic]

As a homeowner, the last thing you want is for your furnace to fail when you need it most. Don’t wait until the last minute to perform repairs on the unit. In the United States, consumers spend on average $335 each time they need to repair their furnace after it breaks down – and most […]
Temperatures Will Rise, but Your Cooling Bills Don’t Have To!

While your effort to stay warm during the winter is the usual reason for high power bills, your summertime electricity use may similarly creep up if you have a cooling system. With the range of sizes and options available, Portland air conditioning units are increasing in popularity as recent summers have brought record-high temperatures. By […]
Furnace Maintenance Tips to Keep You Warm This Winter [Infographic]
Regular furnace maintenance is key to keeping it in tip top shape and keeping you warm! Learn the signs that your furnace may need a check up, whether your should repair or replace and how to tell if your furnace is energy efficient. All of this and more is explained in our latest infographic. Click […]
How Efficient is Your Fan Motor?
Understanding Different Types of Fan Motors I last talked about high efficiency furnaces that are 95-98% efficient. Another feature that has occurred in the last 5-10 years is efficiency of fan motors. Standard Fan Motors Standard fan motors have three set speeds. Low, for air circulation, middle, to move heated air and high, to move […]