(503) 284-2173

Mon-Fri: 8 am to 5:00 pm

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How to Estimate the Cost of Your Commercial HVAC Unit

Businesses in Beaverton rely on HVAC systems for employee comfort and air quality. If you are breaking ground on new construction, you want to make sure you install the right HVAC unit for your building before opening your doors.  Looking for a new system for your commercial property? Need advice on how to estimate the […]

Is Your Business’s Commercial HVAC Unit Contributing to Allergies?

We all look forward to spring and summer. The days are longer, the sun is shining, and flowers are in bloom. For those with allergies, however, pollen can be a nuisance. While we associate allergies mostly with the outdoors, your Portland business’s indoor air quality can affect those with allergies as well.  What’s worse? Mold, […]

Can an HVAC System’s Air Filtration Protect from COVID-19?

While the intricacies of COVID-19 are still being researched, many of us are wondering if HVAC filtration can help keep the virus at bay? As we are learning, scientists point to respiratory droplets as the primary mode of transmission. This means infection can be passed between people through coughing or sneezing.  It is also possible […]

Guide to Commercial HVAC Operation Amid COVID-19 Concerns

As COVID-19 stays on the forefront of everyone’s minds, businesses and their facility managers are looking for guidance to maintain a safe working environment. What are the latest resources available to commercial operations? Our HVAC company in Portland and Beaverton provides the latest information. 3 Resources for Information About Coronavirus and Commercial HVAC System Operations […]

Are New Homes Available in Beaverton’s Cooper Mountain Area?

If you are a Beaverton resident you have likely heard about the new Cooper Mountain development expansion. In just a few years new homes will be built in this up-and-coming area of Beaverton. What will this growth look like? What effect will it have on current residents?  Whether you are planning to purchase a new […]