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Does Your Office Need a New Daikin Air Conditioner?

Comfortable employees are productive employees. When the temperature rises, ensuring worker comfort may seem like a challenge when the office A/C unit does not cooperate. If maintaining cool conditions in workspaces feels like an endless battle because of fluctuating temperatures or constant repairs, the next logical step might be to purchase a new A/C. By determining why an air conditioner does not perform as expected, you can make an educated decision about the next step to take. Download our checklist and see if your office is showing these 3 signs of A/C unit failure. 3 Signs Your Office Needs a New Daikin Air Conditioner (3807 downloads)


Common Issues with Office A/C Units

  • Cool air goes outside: When windows and doors are open, warm air will enter the building. As a result, the HVAC system will not cool the office efficiently and effectively. To ensure its proper operation and prevent energy losses, keep the windows and doors closed.
  • Dirty air filter: Air filters prevent dust and debris from damaging the components within an office A/C unit. To improve airflow and help prevent the need for costly repairs, change the filter once a month.
  • Thermostat has incorrect settings: Even if a thermostat has an “auto” setting, you may need to set it to the cooling function during the summer. Otherwise, the HVAC system will continue to heat your office. If an air conditioner is in good shape, but you continue to experience cooling problems, the thermostat may need new batteries or a replacement.
  • Objects near the thermostat: When warm objects (e.g., televisions, photocopiers, computers, lamps) are near a thermostat, their heat can cause the sensors to think a space is warmer than it actually is. The same may occur if the thermostat is in direct sunlight or blocked by objects, such as large furniture. A licensed HVAC specialist can tell you if the thermostat is in an ideal location, test the device, and ensure the settings are conducive to your cooling needs.
  • Blocked or dirty registers: Blocked registers will not deliver cool air to a space well. Keep the area around the registers clear and vacuum them regularly to prevent dust buildup.
  • Heat gains: Natural lighting can be great for an office. During the winter, the sun’s warmth through the windows may feel pleasant. In the summer, it can make an office feel too hot, even with the A/C running. Reduce heat gains by replacing older windows with high-efficiency window units, installing low-emissivity films on windows, or using curtains or shades to block the sun’s heat.
  • Lack of maintenance: Without regular maintenance, minor problems go unnoticed until they affect employee comfort. Keep the A/C in top shape by scheduling HVAC maintenance services once a year.
  • Objects near the compressor: The outside component of an HVAC system is the compressor. It requires proper airflow to work well. Promote good airflow by keeping the unit free of debris and ensuring that grass, plants and other objects are at least three feet away. It is also a good idea to trim back tree branches that overhang the compressor.
  • Tripped fuses or circuit breakers: When a central A/C unit fails on a hot day, the high-pressure limit switch could have tripped. Let the system cool down for five minutes. Then push the high-pressure limit switch button on the compressor’s access panel to reset it.
  • Leaky air ducts: When ducts have a leak, cool air escapes into the spaces between the walls, floors and ceiling. The air that does enter occupied spaces may seem dusty or muggy. If the office has never had the ducts cleaned and inspected, it is a good idea to schedule the respective service.

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Signs that the Office Needs a New A/C

  • The A/C is over 10-years-old: Air conditioners are designed to last 15 to 20 years. If an older A/C seems to break down often, it may be more cost-effective to replace it with a new model.
  • High repair costs: An important consideration when deciding between repairing and replacing the unit is the cost of repairs needed. If you have spent over 50 percent of the A/C’s value in repairs, a replacement might be best. For single repairs on older units, keep the “5,000 rule” in mind. Multiply the air conditioner’s age by the cost of the repair. If the result is more than $5,000, consider a replacement.
  • Inefficiency: The older the A/C, the less efficient it is. When thinking about the benefits and drawbacks of replacing the office air conditioner, don’t forget about energy costs. If the power bill continues to climb during the summer months, an old A/C could be the culprit. New models have a higher Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) and use up to 40 percent less energy to produce the same amount of cool air than those made a decade ago.

Heating and cooling offices is a big job for an HVAC system. If you think the A/C is in its last days, the specialists at AAA Heating and Cooling are happy to gauge its condition and recommend a cost-effective course of action. Call us today to schedule a free consultation.